Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Modern House Plan CH146

Modern House Plan CH146 from ConceptHome.com

Modern House Plan with vaulted ceiling in the living areas. Abundance of natural light, three bedrooms. Contemporary home design with efficient room planning. Affordable house to build and economical to maintain.

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Modern House Plan

Modern Home

Modern Home Plan

Modern Home

Modern House Plan

Modern Home Plan

Modern House Plan

Modern Home Plan
Modern House Plan

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Affordable home plan CH70

Affordable home plan CH70 from the House Plans Catalogue of ConceptHome.com

One floor affordable home plan in modern classical architecture style. Four bedrooms, garage for two cars.

Cost to Build: from $ 185 000

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affordable home plan

economical house

affordable house plan

economical house plan

affordable house plan

affordable home plan

affordable house plan

economical home plan

affordable home plan

economical home plan

affordable home plan

Friday, November 22, 2013

Affordable Classical Home Plan CH144

from ConceptHome.com

Simple craftsman home plan with big backyard area. Three bedrooms, two living areas, vaulted ceiling. This allows to have a classical home that is also affordable.

Cost to Build: from $ 170 000

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Affordable Classical House

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Affordable Classical Home Plan

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Affordable Classical Home Plan

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Simple craftsman home plan

Affordable Classical House

Affordable Classical Home Plan

Simple craftsman home plan

Affordable Classical House

Affordable Classical Home Plan

Catalogue of House Plans

Monday, November 18, 2013

Affordable Home Plan CH51

from ConceptHome.com

Very popular small house plan. Suits well to a small lot. Nice open areas. Two living areas and three bedrooms.

Cost to Build: from $ 135 000

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Affordable Home Plan
Affordable House Plan

Affordable Home Plan

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Affordable House Plan CH169

Contemporary Affordable House Plan CH169 from ConceptHome.com

Affordable Contemporary home plan to wide lot. Three bedrooms, two living areas. Abundance of natural light.

Cost to Build: from $ 195 000

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Economical Contemporary home plan

Affordable Contemporary home plan

Modern Affordable Home Plan CH178

From ConceptHome.com

Modern Affordable House Plan with large covered terrace and balcony. Big windows and abundance of natural light. Economical House with low maintenance costs.

Cost to Build: from $ 200 000

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Modern House Plan

Affordable House Plan

Modern Affordable House

Modern Affordable Home Plan
Affordable Home Plan

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